January Newsletter - Gratitude Attitude

Its Jan 1st 2020 and you know what that means! Our fist round of workshops have dropped over at www.teambellysetgo.com Are you ready for Jill's Shimmy Therapy and Hannah's Burlesque 101? Just login to your membership page, click products, click begin and voila you can click through to Jill and Hannah's classes! Please share your thoughts with us and post videos of your practice for us to share! We'll also never turn down a wild social media rave or two! 


Oh and while we are on the topic of the New Year (and Decade):

We're feeling a #newyearsrevolution

We know new years can be anticlimactic, or that the world might be telling you, you need to change something about yourself, that old social tug to make resolutions that you might not be able to keep, or possibly don't even really want to make. But over here at Team Belly, Set, Go we're ready to revolutionize the New Year Momentum. 

Not to say that there is anything wrong with a little goal setting we love crushing goals, but we've often seen that resolutions leave  people feeling like they haven't met up to some crazy imaginary standard that they (or society) gave themselves. 

So this year we are revamping with #gratitudeattitude

Did you know that having a regular practice of gratitude can:

*makes you sleep better (who doesn't want to feel more well rested in 2020)
*make you more physically active (woohoo to more dancing)
*makes you feel more positive and supportive towards others (we are so done with the judgement game)
*eliminates stress (f*cking yea!)
and rewires your brain to be happier more of the time!!!!!

I hope you'll join us in telling the inner critic to take 5, shame is so last decade, let's make positive choices because we love and care for ourselves, not because we are trying to punish ourselves into someone we think we should be.

Can I get a Belly Bump on that! 

And to top it all off we have a list of our favorite 3 ways to practice your new #gratitueattitude

1. Start every morning writing out 5 things you are grateful for, try making an emphasis on things that relate to your dance.
(take a peek at Jo's and Tessa's below)

2. Tell someone in your dance circle that you are grateful for them! The student that always shows up to your class, the teacher that lit your passion on fire or your friend who always posts the inspirational videos! 
If we haven't told you yet today, We are beyond grateful for YOU! You beautiful show pony you! 

3. Gratitude affirmation. Make yourself a little Mantra that you can use on repeat when the going gets tough:
"I am grateful for my beautiful body which allows me to dance"
or maybe you're more of the sassy type:
"I am grateful for this badass bod that takes me shimmying and shaking through the days"

Y'all are pretty great as you stand, if you ask us and we bet that if you put these gratitude practices in motion you will have the best dance year (decade) yet! If you feel like sharing yours please make sure to tag us @teambellysetgo

xo Tessa & Jo

When I started counting my blessing my whole life turned around. 
- Willie Nelson

Enough' is a feast
-Buddhist proverb

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude's happiness doubled by wonder.
-G.K Chester


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Hello Team! 

It's Jo here. Writing my first blog post.


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